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Natural Care For Facial Acne

A beautiful face is the dream of every woman, white and clean face is very important to women daily life, Lucky for the woman who was born with a pretty face, white and smooth, this will further increase the attractiveness of that woman.
But there are some women who was born with a face that in a sense less satisfaction, feeling less beautiful, less white skin or over sensitive, so a lot of the problems faced, such as acne, dark spots, blackheads and so on.
Believe in your heart that God created us very well, we have given the best thing for us, we have to do is to maintain and take care of that blessing. there many women who have a sensitive face, so it will be more prone to face problems, such as acne and dark spots on the face.In this post the author tried to give tips on how to treat facial acne, do not need to use pills or dangerous chemical. Using a natural way to make your face fresh and if done in for a long period of time and the routine it will not cause any side effects.

1. Keep your face clean

Clearly a pimpled face is very susceptible to dust and fumes, it will further aggravate the situation or slow down the healing process of acne on your face. Do the cleaning routine when you perform daily activities. Use soap twice a day on the move with a milk cleanser and in the end with a special acne toner. Keep away from dusty places, use a mask when going for work and when we got in office do not forget to clean your face in the shower.

2. Make Up Minimalist
Maybe some women with acne face wanted to cover her face with much make- up in order to cover her face acne, but actually it will extend the healing process. a years ago I have facial acne to, but I am more concerned for the healing it rather than trying to cover it, so I prefer to wear make up minimalist or simple.

3. Do not touch your face with dirty hands !
Every one agree if the hand is one source of germs that get into our bodies, not least the doctor suggested that we should always wash ourh ands before doing activities, especially related to our body, such as eating, drinking, cooking and so on.Therefore, it would be nice if we want to touch our sensitive face we should wash our hands so that our face no getting infected ant germ

4. Do not Suppress Acne
Acne make a person frustrated and embarrassed, some one tried to end it in a quick way, by pushing up the acne, they hope skin will soon regenerate again, but actually it is very not recommended by many beauty experts, because it would further worsen the situation, it will make a skin infection or scars which would further make you embarrassed.

5. Consuming Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a vitamin that has many benefits for our bodies, especially in the outer layers of the body, the skin, the nutrients will make us have healthier skin and the dead skin cells will regenerate. Consumption of 100 mg a day, it will make your face more health.

6. Use Right Moisturizing Crem
There are many moisturizing cream product that are sold in the market, which to resolve acne. Make sure the cream is safe to use and does not add to the problems your face. And do not often change moisturizer because it is not good for the face.

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How To Remove Of Dark Circles Under Eyes

Eyes are the windows of heart where the eye is first view if we are interested in other. But if your eyes are having a little problem but it makes you feel less confident and less beauty. With green tea, carrot, cucumber, potato your problem can be solved in a natural way by using natural ingredients with 4 vitamins.The emergence of dark circles under the eyes caused by many things. Stuffy nose, allergies, lack of sleep and premature aging, vitamin deficiency, dehydration, hormonal changes related to pregnancy or during menstruation, too much exposure to direct sunlight, or genetics.

 How to remove of dark circles under eyes :

1 . When using eye cream try wearing a cream that vitamin C and E and specially formulated for the eye area.

2 .
Soak tea bags that have been used kompreskan heard cold water towards the area under the eyes . effective way to disguise dark circles under the eyes.
3 . Drinking
enough waterDrink 8 glasses of water per day to avoid dehydration which can lead to the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.
 4 . Enough restEnough rest for 8 hours a dayone of the causes of dark circles are the eye fatigue , for you modern women try to get enough rest , arrange your schedule so that everyday you have time to rest.

 5 . Using a mask of potatoes To reduce dark circles in your eye area . Because catecholase potatoes contain enzymes that can disguise dark circles in the eye . The trick potatoes peeled and cut into round after that paste on under eye area about 15-20 minutes.

6 . Cucumber fruit

Cucumber also can eliminate puffy eyes that can give the effect of the cold . because of the way the eye is believed to eliminate eye bags and dark circles under the eyes.

7 . Do not drink carbonated and caffeine .

Because carbonated drinks contain artificial sweeteners which can make the eye area look darker and swollen . While caffeine may interfere with the absorption of water in the body which can lead to dehydratio. And dehydration causing toxins in the body that can not completely get rid of toxins that can affect the color of the skin around the area that includes your eyes become dark and dark.

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Tips On Cleaning Your Beauty Face

A beautiful face is a blessing that is very valuable to us modern women , one thing we must keep in many best ways. Part of women are willing to spend large amounts of money just for doing facials , buying assorted moisturizing cream and other beauty supplements .
But actually doing excessive beauty treatments will be detrimental to our skin , moisturizing alternated with various brands will cause adverse effects on the face , such as irritation and other.
Now I'm going to try to give a simple tips that very effective to maintain the beauty of your face naturally, how that may have been forgotten by the modern women now.
1 . Tie your hair .
If you are a woman who has long hair , then do not forget to tying your hair before washing your face , this will give you the freedom when you wash your face , or you can also wrap a small towel on your head .
2 . Use warm water .
The second step is to begin to wash the face using warm water , warm water handy to open your face pores, so it will be easy to clean , and also easier to remove the traces of your make-up . Rinse evenly to the entire surface of the face .
3 . Use the right soap .
Every woman has a different skin type , so it is not wise if you imitate soap that use by your friends or instigation of others, with the consideration she has a pretty face after wearing them , because the soap is not necessarily right for you , use soap is safe and clinically proven .
4 . Rinse with cold water .
Once in a sense quite clean your face with soap , it's time to clean your face , use cold water to wash away residual soap on the face , it would be nice if you use ice water that has been chilled, it will make you more fresh and light .
5 . Do not dry your face with a towel
In many articles beauty tips might last is to dry your face with a towel, but here the author will give a secret that is not known by many people, that is, after you complete wash your face with cold water , let the water 5-10 minutes on your face, this will make your face more fresh but actually far more important benefits, which inhibits wrinkles, yes...! natural anti aging that will you feel benefit later in time, where another woman began to grow wrinkles , your face will still look beautiful and fresh . You can proove it now!.

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How To Remove Blackheads ( Komedo)

Whether you are an active woman every day ?, You might encounter this problem, a problem which for some women is very annoying, because it is very disturbing beauty in the face , the face will look dirty and unsightly .Blackheads on the face is certainly very disturbing your beauty, especially in women who always want to look beautiful .  
Therefore, I will discuss how to remove blackheads naturally faces and proven results.Blackheads are one of the causes of acne. Blackheads are pores closed by dirt , let us first know there are 2 types komedo. 
1.Komedo open ( Blackhead ) : This looks like a blackhead pores are enlarged and blackened , and blackheads are black due to oxidation from the air . 
2.Komedo closed ( whitehead ) : These blackheads are behind the cuticle layer of the clogged dirt and grease that looks like a small lump under the skin. 

 How to Remove Blackheads : 

1 . Orange Peel 
The content of vitamin C in the orange peel can remove blackheads . The trick is to mix the orange peel with water and apply a bit of growth in place blackheads, and leave overnight , then rinse with clean water . 
2 . Egg white .

 Egg white can also remove blackheads . how to take the egg whites and add 2 teaspoons of honey mix well. After that, apply all over the face, let it dry for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For more optimal results use 2 times for 1 week . 
3. Aloe Vera.
 Cut aloe vera into 2 parts, then rubbed into area with blackheads. Aloe vera will smooth the skin and accelerate the skin healing process. And skin will be clean and free without blackheads . 
4. Salt. 
Salt is dissolved into hot water. Than steam face with hot salt water for 10 min earlier . Salt water vapor can help to open the pores and reduce excess oil , and dilates blood capillaries under the skin and improve blood circulation rub . 
5. Masks Beans.
 Masks made ​​from peas and soya beans or ground that has been blended with warm water mixed . rubbed into your face with this mask bean, wait for 25-30 minutes or until it is completely dry. Then rinse with clean water .

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Honey is one of the fluid produced by bees , sweet taste that many people are like honey , honey is used as a mixture of food , drink and as a mixture of several drugs , such as traditional herbal medicine in Indonesia . in addition to the benefits of honey can also be used as a facial skin careSkin smooth and clean everyone's dream , especially for women who want to look beautiful, and can improve self-confidence , silky smooth skin care can be done at the salon with a very high price , but this time I tried to review the use of facial skin care this honey is of course cheaper than salon treatments but the results are no less effective .Among these benefits is :

 1.Face Cleaner 
The trick
Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of milk powder was put in a container after stirring until smooth, then put both hands on the face and neck rub let sit for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water, rinse again with ice water so that the skin more supple. Do this 2 times a week treatment to achieve optimal results.  

2. To Eliminate Dead Skin Cells
This method is called scrub or rub the skin or to other parts of the body , for some women who are actively working method is very important for the care of their skin , because every day they are in dusty and sometimes they face the very hot weather , as well as sun exposure , therefore it is very important metode scrub to cleanse their skin . 
Take 2 tea spoons honey almond flour mix and stir well then put on the palms apply to face , leave on for 15 minutes , then rinse with warm water , do every day regularly, for better results . 
3 . Anti Aging
For humans there is one thing that can not be avoided for , everything is bound to experience it , it is become old , for some women it is very scary , aging will reduce the beauty of their face skin , the emergence of black spots and wrinkles on the face is a sign of aging.
Lots of middle-aged women are willing to spend a lot of money for treatments that aim to reduce or even eliminate the signs . beauty supplement drink and wear a wide variety of anti aging cream produce by factory, did you know that it is not entirely safe?...... 
At this time some beauty experts have found some natural ways to reduce the signs of aging on the face , start by using fruits , other plants such as cocoa , aloe vera , or honey .In this post I will be one of the natural way suppress the signs of premature aging by using honey , this method is very safe and will not result in adverse effects on the face. 
We can make a toner from honey by mixing two teaspoons of lemon , two teaspoons of honey and warm water , pour in a clean container and mix until blended , for use in facial wipe that has been cleaned with warm water , put on cotton and wipe the face up evenly , then rinse your face with warm water . do this regularly 3-4 times a week for maximum results , this will make your face fresh and reduce wrinkles in the face .

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